Terungkap! Ini Dia Fakta Mengejutkan Apakah Nonton Drakor Bisa Membatalkan Puasa? Temukan Jawabannya Sekarang!


Drakor is a popular genre of South Korean TV shows that has become increasingly popular around the world. Many enthusiasts of these shows in Islamic states including Indonesia are curious whether watching drakor while fasting during Ramadan would nullify their fasts. This curiosity has sparked a debate amongst scholars and netizens regarding the matter. This article aims to discuss the facts regarding the issue of whether watching drakor while fasting would invalidate the fast.

What is Fasting in Islam?

Fasting is an essential practice in the Islamic religion which involves abstinence from food, drink, and sexual intercourse from dawn until sunset for 29 or 30 days of Ramadan. It is mandatory for all able-bodied and adult Muslims, excluding those who are ill, pregnant, or menstruating. Fasting in the month of Ramadan is one of the Five Pillars of Islam, which represents the fundamental religious duties of a Muslim.

Apakah Nonton Drakor Bisa Membatalkan Puasa?

The primary debate around nonton drakor during Ramadan is whether it can nullify or break the fast, leading to a lot of confusion among Muslims. It is imperative to note that the act of fasting is not only about abstinence from food and drinks but also from any activity that may impede the spiritual and physical aspect of a person’s fast.

Drakor viewers usually spend long hours watching their favorite programs, which can lead to exhaustion and dehydration, particularly during the holy month of Ramadan. This can make it more challenging to maintain one’s commitment to the fast. Additionally, some viewers may be so engrossed in the show that they may forget they are fasting, mistakenly ingesting food or drinks.

However, the act of watching drakor on its own will not invalidate one’s fast. The practice is not explicitly mentioned in the Qu’ran or hadith as a particular activity that would nullify the fast. As long as one refrains from swallowing anything, including saliva, while watching drakor, the fast will remain valid. Hence, one can continue nonton drakor while fasting as long as they can commit to other aspects of fasting.

What Should Drakor Enthusiasts Do to Preserve their Fasting?

Although nonton drakor per se does not nullify the fast, Muslim viewers who enjoy watching the shows should take some precautionary measure to preserve the spiritual aspect of their fasts. Some of these steps include:

1. Moderation: It is crucial to watch in moderation to prevent it from interfering with other religious practices such as taraweeh (special night prayers).

2. stay Hydrated: Ensure that you stay hydrated during the night by drinking water or natural juices during iftar, Ramadan’s breaking of the fast at sunset.

3. Avoid Heavy Foods: Eat light foods during the night to avoid indigestion or sleeplessness during taraweeh.

4. Mind Control : Be mindful and resist the temptation to overeat, oversleep or become too preoccupied with the drakor shows such that other essential aspects of Ramadan are neglected.

In conclusion

In conclusion, watching nonton drakor during Ramadan does not invalidate one’s fast. It is a personal choice, and it’s essential to keep in mind that the Ramadan fast is about more than just abstinence from food and drinks; it’s also about spiritual growth and devotion. Therefore, it is imperative to take the necessary precautionary measures to preserve the physical and spiritual aspect of the fast during Ramadan.


1. Apakah nonton drakor dapat membatalkan puasa Ramadan?

Tidak, nonton drakor pada awalnya tidak dapat membatalkan puasa. Agar tetap valid, hindari menelan apa pun, termasuk air liur.

2. Apa saja langkah-langkah yang dapat diambil oleh para peminat drakor untuk menjaga keutuhan puasa?

Beberapa upaya inklusif diantaranya, pantau silaturahmi dengan dosa, minum air, menghindari makanan berat selama waktu berbuka, dan membatasi waktu menonton drakor.

3. Apakah menyaksikan drakor selama Ramadan bertentangan dengan nilai-nilai Islam?

Tidak, selama seseorang tidak melanggar aturan utama puasa Muslim (termasuk abstinensi makanan dan minuman), tidak ada yang salah dengan menyaksikan drakor selama Ramadan. Namun, tetap penting untuk mengutamakan nilai-nilai keagamaan yang sama selama bulan suci ini.

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